World Solutions 1

The essential first steps for the individual

Solving individual problems

  1. Learn to love yourself
    It is not about being narcissistic. It is about feeling comfortable in your own skin, and accepting the person who you are. Every individual must learn to love who they are. This may seem strange, but the truth is, it is the first crucial step to solving world problems. If we don't do this, how do you expect to love others? In fact, all world problems created by humans is likely to stem from one crucial moment where there was a lack of love for oneself, whether it was influenced by someone else or something in the environment. Insufficient praise and acknowledgement can be a leading cause for some individuals to lose sight of what is right or wrong (1). Then they will do things that create more of a problem, but deeper down it is because they feel less important than others and need to do something to balance the situation. However, the effort to bring balance can result in going the opposite extreme by making themselves think they are more important than everyone else. This is what happens when people try to make themselves feel important again and not realise they already are important in the eyes of everyone else. You don't need to prove yourself how important you are. You are already important enough to have been brought into this world, and you have been given just enough love to survive to become the person who you are, although perhaps not quite enough. So you may have some self-doubts about yourself and your self-worth. You then start to think you are not being loved enough and somehow equate love with your importance. Then you go to extremes to try to make yourself important. You don't have to do this. You are already important. You are a valuable member of society. We need you. We need your contributions and your ideas. We need your help to solve problems and make this world a better place to live for everyone. We all love you as the person for who you are. Just learn to believe in it. Then you will begin to love yourself too. To help you to see this, it is important for people to show various forms of love in the simple things we do for one another. A simple, "Hi!" as a greeting. A "thank you" for receiving some help, no matter how small it may seem. Even a pat on the back can go an incredibly long way to making people feel good about themselves. If you are on your own, you need to find a way to love the person who you are. We don't mean that you should be narcissistic. Of course not. Rather you should learn to accept the person that you are right now. You are a capable and intelligent person. Remember this fact always. You have so much to contribute, and there are people you don't know who already love you for your real self. Internalise this picture in your mind and you will realise your potential in achieving great things. And this means you will see yourself as another valuable and worthwhile human being with much to contribute in your own and unique way for society. (2)
  2. Love others as you do yourself
    Once you love yourself, you will be able to love others equally and unconditionally. There is no thinking, just doing it. Why? Because you can see the potential in others to do great things as well, some of which could help you in return. Love them and they will help you in your own goals. People are just as much an important asset in your life's goals as the rest of the environment. So nurture them, help them, make them feel loved and important. The more other people feel loved and believe in it, the more their own emotional bank balance is filled to the point where they believe in their own self-worth and those of others. Then the love starts to overflow, and the love then reaches out to other people including yourself in an unconditional manner. Then whatever problems the individual may have will be solved faster than you think.
  3. Accept our differences and see them as opportunities to achieve great things
    Learn to understand our differences. See them as unique solutions to certain problems. We all have different types of intelligence and general appearance because of the advantages those differences can provide while living in a certain environment. Or maybe it is because we choose to have those differences if there is a benefit in having them. Who knows? Whatever the reason we have differences, these sorts of things could provide a solution to something we are trying to figure out. And even if some differences have no obvious value or usefulness, don't try to hide or stop those differences. Take pride in the diversity of life. All living things, no matter how different they look, deserve to be alive in this Universe. Just don't dwell on the differences, for goodness sake. Go for the essence of the individual and realise we are all the same. We seek the same things. We all want to feel loved, to be treated equally and with respect, and to grow and be happy.
  4. The power of forgiveness
    Learn to forgive yourself. Acknowledge you were the source or have played a part in the world problems we see today. And if other people truly love themselves enough, they too should be able to forgive you too, as you would for them. Like every coin has two sides, you too can take the side of being the solution. Forget the side that has created the problem. Start to see yourself as the solution. You have something to contribute in a positive sense to the rest of society through your skills, experience and knowledge, and even your body through action. Acknowledge what you have much to offer to the world. Once you know you are a worthy person, you will love yourself enough to contribute something truly worthwhile as part of your solution to the problems you see around you. Then you will see the same in others too.
  5. You are a good person

    As part of this forgiveness and "loving yourself" aspects, see yourself as an inherently good person. As one great man once said, "There is nothing good or bad, only thinking makes it so."

    You are not an inherently bad person. You are always good. It is just that with your limited knowledge and skills and lack of love from others that you are just trying to survive and do your best with what little you have (mainly yourself). We forgive you because you did not know what you were doing. Nor have we loved you enough to make you realise how important and great you are as a person. Do not think your actions have made you a bad person. You are only trying to do the things that help you to survive and seek the happiness you deserve. It is perfectly understandable as there are many stresses in life and you have to find a solution to them all. The solution(s) you have found may not be the right one, but it has helped you to survive long enough to realise a new beginning awaits you and a chance to try something different once you see your approach could have been better. By doing different things, you will not only solve your own problem, but very quickly those around you at the same time. Forget what you did in the past. So long as you understand what you did was one way of surviving and is not the best way, you can forget your past actions. There are many ways to solve the same problem. You just have to be aware of those solutions that are better, and to be encouraged to try them out. For you to do that, you need to have the feeling of being able to move forward and try things better. You should be able to do this yourself. But if not, the power of forgiveness from others can never be underestimated. It can release the shackles that hold you down in life. Once you are free with the knowledge you have, you need to think of yourself as an inherently good person. The only things that are missing in your life is love, education and anything else to make you more balanced. So go ahead and get it, or ask for it. Or go elsewhere and start again in a place that will allow you to grow. Choose the solutions that you know will be good for everyone as well as yourself. Put them into practice. Before you know it, you will have those missing things brought back into your life. Remember, you can be the problem, or a contributor to life and society. You choose. But start with how you think. What thoughts do you use to see yourself (and later other people)? Are they good? And do you understand others better as a result? As for bringing good to this world, this is really in the eyes of the beholder (i.e., other people) and how they think. Better not to interfere and try things out yourself. But if you want to change others, you first have to change yourself. To change yourself, you must change your thinking, and your actions will change in accordance. At the same time, set up your environment to support your thinking. And if what you do is done with love, then you will begin to change the thinking and actions of others within themselves and eventually towards you. Love yourself and the thinking and actions of love you display will eventually rub off on everyone and everything around you. Soon all this will get back to you in some form of love of its own, and often in unexpected ways. Then, before you know it, all your problems will disappear. You will eventually see the truth to this.

    Still worried about what other people think? Don't be. Ninety-five per cent of the time people are not thinking about you. Even if they are, who cares? People can have their own opinions. It really does not matter what they think. Don't worry about what other people think. It is your thoughts that matters most and how you think about yourself everyday which is more important. You only need to consider other people and their thinking when a problem develops through your actions to affect others negatively. Then you must gather information about the problem and understand how others feel in order for you to find a new solution. Then you will never have to worry about what others think. The new solution will be seen as a form of love. Sure, people will give feedback. That's fine. But you decide if it is important or not if the feedback helps you to approach a more balanced position and can promote the principle of love in a more effective way. Just remember, you have the power to decide what you want to think and ultimately want to do. Your thoughts and actions today is already forming the future you want to see become a reality.

    And how should you think? Good question. Ask yourself this, "Do you love yourself?" As silly as this may sound, this is really an important first milestone in your life's great journey. Do you really love yourself for the person who you are? In other words, do you see the positive things in yourself and what you do for others? Because if you do, you will be able to see the positive things in others and what they do. If you haven't been positive about yourself and even to others to some extent, forgive yourself right now and those around you. There is always a reason for the way you and others have been behaving and doing things. Once you understand the reason, forgive yourself and the people around you and you will be able to be forgiven and move forward in leaps and bounds. Then the ability to be free again to be your true self will be possible.

    Now can you see how beautiful you are as a person? Once you have forgiven yourself and can see the positive things you and others can contribute to one another, you will begin to have a taste of the true principle of love. Yes, you are a unique and special person. So is everyone else. And we can all help one another to enhance our uniqueness, bring out the benefits, and eventually create a more balanced world designed to solve all problems. If you are comfortable in yourself and who you are as well as the people and all living things around you, you have already solved the first and most important problem of all — you!


  6. Start solving problems
    Once you are not struggling to survive, already have a roof over your head, and happy with who you are and what you can contribute, the next thing is to solve world problems beyond yourself and the immediate people around you.

    To prepare yourself for your life's work, balance everything you do right now. For example, if you socialise a lot, try to find time to be on your own for a while and think. Too much socialising can reinforce old ideas and ways of doing things. Then the problems may seem increasingly intractable and insoluble. But if you are on your own, you may see unexpected new solutions. Likewise, if you are normally on your own, socialising a bit may help to gather other forms of information and insights from others. In that way you can understand their strengths and how they might be able to assist you in your own goals. Then you will develop good communication skills where you can explain the solutions you are seeing and find ways to implement them. Of course, problems can be difficult to solve. You need more time. If you spend lots of time studying in your quest for a solution, go out and have some fun. If, as a L-brain person, you are a construction worker everyday, try something creative like dancing, painting and/or singing. Don't worry if this is not the "manly thing to do". If you are worried about what other people think then they are already controlling how you feel and what you do. This is not how you balance yourself. You need to be your true self by balancing everything and learning not to worry about what other people think. Indeed, who cares what they think, especially if it causes no harm to them or yourself. You are here to balance your life, and hence become a much more creative and rationally powerful tool to solving any problems set before you.

    Finally, add the positive emotions to your balanced actions and people will see how powerful and effective your solutions are.

    NOTE: Do this enough times with different problems and eventually you will have the power to create solutions to many problems much faster than you thought was possible. You will start to see things break down easily into their fundamental form. Then you can link the components together in any way you see fit to help you see the current situation in different ways. And from there you will create the new solutions, possibly those that no one else has thought of before.

  7. Face your fears and solve them
    Part of this balancing act and solving problems also involves facing your fears. In fact, this is often another source of concern expressed by people when a world problem emerges.

    Do you have a fear of something? This could be the first indication of some form of imbalance in your thinking and could be one of the things stopping you from balancing yourself. Okay. Start tackling it head on. Understand it. Ask why? What is it that brings the fear? Is this a justified reason to be fearful? There is always a reason for why something creates fear within your mind. Perhaps it's a defence mechanism because you think you will not survive because of it? Or sometimes the thing you have a fear of is, in fact, the one lacking in love (i.e. it has its own defence mechanisms). Well, train your mind to understand how this something has the right to exist as you do and how it defends itself. Tell yourself you are not afraid of it. You know how to handle it. If anything, show love towards it by respecting it and learning everything about it. See how not interfering with it can be a powerful form of love. Or if you must interfere with it, show your love. Appreciate the beauty of this thing you think is fearful. And if the something ever tries to harm you irrespective of your efforts (and there is no choice because interference will take place), you do what is necessary to deal with the problem in the most positive way you can. If it can't be solved in any rational way, be prepared to attack it at least in your mind until you get to the source of the fear. Your mind may try to give the sensation of pain. But ignore it. Push beyond the false pain threshold created by your mind. Your aim is to give yourself the power to control the situation, not the other way around. You need to know how to solve your deepest fears in a rational and creative/visual way because this is the first step towards knowing how to solve problems in a more balanced way. Show that you are in control of your mind. Once your mind is controlled, so will the thing you are tackling in the first place. And if it persists in the real world, you have the power to stop it physically. Indeed, it will realise you too have a defence mechanism. Eventually it will, if it has a brain of any worth, control itself and learn to settle down. Then the interference will stop and soon you can attempt to find a permanent solution.

    NOTE: Use this technique to solve simple problems such as the fear of spiders or understanding differences in people in terms of their cultures, race and ideas.

  8. Educate yourself
    Next, start educating yourself bit by bit. Greater balancing of your thinking and the ability to face any fear begins with education.

    Use education through reading, writing and visualising to help you understand any problems you have or see around you. Don't worry if you can't understand something straight away. Look at different sources for the same type of information. Find sources that are easy to understand. Look at the pictures. Visualise and see the pictures. You will observe a linking together of these pictures to create the bigger pattern. Don't know how to read? Don't be afraid to ask other people to help you. Let people talk to you. Let people give you the skills in how to read and understand the words. Or let them read for you and explain it in their own words. All you have to do is listen, visualise, remember and ask questions. You will be amazed at how quickly you will learn.

  9. Look after your body
    As you are solving problems and looking after your mind, you do have the daily problem of meeting the physical needs of your body.

    Look at what you need for your body to survive. Ask yourself, "Do I need to eat those Tim Tams everyday?" Tim Tams is a want, not a need. You eat it because it tastes nice and you may use this food to help overcome emotional problems or stresses of the day. If it is nice to eat, try to find a healthy substitute. Because a healthy substitute is likely to give you more nutrients to help you better cope with stresses and make you eat less food. Remember, through education you can learn to find healthy foods. Or see your doctor or dietician for advice. You can, over time, understand how healthy foods can help you to solve problems, at least those on a personal level.

    And if you do have an emotional problem, why? Start solving the emotional problem in a balanced way and with love without resorting to food as the solution. Use the techniques above for dealing with fears. Or talk to someone, such as a psychologist, or a friend to help you understand the source of this problem, and search for a solution.

    As for eating in general, should you eat a lot or a little? If you know you are overweight (as confirmed by visiting your doctor), learn to control how much you need to eat. But don't try to measure the amount of food and cut back on it as much as possible. Otherwise you could suffer from a condition known as anorexia. Or the body may suddenly gain weight too quickly when you go back to eating normally.

    You need long-term weight control.

    It is okay to balance the situation by letting the body eat what it needs. But find foods that are slightly more filling (reduces hunger), has less calories (i.e. won't make you fat), has less fat (to reduce your appetite to eat more food) and contains greater amounts of nutrients and protein (the body learns to stop craving for more food when the nutrients and protein are being provided). The more healthy your foods, the less you will eat over time. And the more your weight returns to a healthy level and stays that way for a very long time.

    Don't get overly focussed on your weight to the point that you don't love yourself. Learn to love the person for who you are (fat, thin or just right). Demand the love from those closest to you to accept you as you are today, or look elsewhere for someone who will love you as you are. Choose your friends to be the ones who are supportive Remember, you are a beautiful person today. And tomorrow you will be an even more beautiful person than you are today.

    By loving yourself for the person you are, you will always be happy with your body weight and shape. You will develop self-confidence. And by eating the right types of food and moderate exercise, it will ensure your body will look and feel better over time, as well as reduce the problems you may create for others..

    Throw away magazines promoting unhealthy images of people who are clearly too thin or too fat. Choose a balanced approach by accepting who you are, and learn to eat and exercise sensibly.

  10. Food is just half the problem solved for your body. You also need to exercise. Because the solution to certain problems will require some physical exertion on your part. To tackle problems head on and solve them, you need a body to be strong enough to cope with the physical demands of solving problems set before you.

    Exercise also has the power to make you feel good. The extra blood flow and nutrients reaching all parts of your body provides a powerful lift in every aspect of your life.

  11. Continue looking after your mind
    We have already touched upon those things that help to look after your mind. Things like positive thinking and learning to love yourself. Don't stop there. Read positive books (psychology magazines, romance stories etc); socialise with the right people; find time on your own to think, listen to music etc; avoid watching violent films and so on (unless it is part of understanding the source of our world problems; but always balance it with something else to keep yourself in check and able to solve problems). Where you find problems, search for positive solutions in everything you do. Eat healthy foods and exercise for a healthy brain. Then relax and get plenty of sleep. Because tomorrow you will have a more powerful mind capable of solving problems more quickly and with greater ease.